Changelog ========= 0.0.9 (unreleased) ------------------ 0.0.8 (2010-10-19) ------------------ - same as 0.0.7 [Nicolas Delaby] 0.0.7 (2010-10-19) ------------------ - Bug fix: typo 0.0.6 (2010-10-19) ------------------ - Bug fix about RawConfigParser [Nicolas Delaby] 2010-08-13 Nicolas Delaby ------------------------- small Bug fix. Add option to export outpout into file This option take precedence over mailing support. 2010-08-04 Nicolas Delaby ------------------------- Bug fix in status_search_in_wget_regex Enhance output report (fetch all errors per url) Add 2 options to check Urls prohibited_file_name_list prohibited_folder_name_list 2010-08-03 Nicolas Delaby ------------------------- First release