version 0.8.1 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Bug Fix -------- * Some nodes stay orphans if they are replaced by another one and followed by a modification (test 30) * Exclude comments or processing instruction as sibling node version 0.8 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Features -------- * Include 'gid' in attributes allowed to build an xpath expression with a unique identifier. * Use better algorithm to compare two xml nodes (faster). Bug Fix ------- * In node comparaison discard text nodes with only withe-spaces. * Fix relative calculation of position for xupdate:insert-before nodes * Add namespace declaration on xupdate nodes which are using prefix in builded xpath expression. version 0.7 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Bug fix ------- * Nodes whose position change were discarded. * Declare namespaces used in xpath expression on xupdate output. version 0.6 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Bug Fix ------- * Fix generated xpath expression, the root element was missing. version 0.5 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Features -------- * Add support of namespaces * Support xupdate:insert-after version 0.4 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Features -------- * Change output of xupdate:append by adding Implied attribute child version 0.3 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Bug Fix ------- * Append position in xpath expression when value of id attribute is not unique regarding is sibling version 0.2 Nicolas Delaby ========================== Bug Fix ------- * Position in xpath starts from 1 version 0.1 Tatuya Kamada ========================= Features -------- * ERP5diff implemented with ElemenTree (lxml) version 0 Yoshinori Okuji ========================= * initial ERP5diff with DOM API (minidom)