Rechercher Forme_categorySearchForm Base_searchHandler POST form_view_dialog left my_id_list LinesField [] 5 0 0 Forme 40 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You entered too many lines. A line was too long. You entered too many characters. my_referentiel_forme_list MultiListField [] 0 [] 0 5 Catégorie forme here/getReferentielFormeList here/portal_categories/referentiel_forme/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list. my_description TextAreaField 3 0 0 Description 40 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You entered too many lines. A line was too long. You entered too many characters. my_forme_id_list LinesField [] 5 0 0 Forme de base 40 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You entered too many lines. A line was too long. You entered too many characters. my_reset CheckBoxField 1 0 Recherche globale The input failed the external validator. my_list_form_id StringField 20 1 0 0 python:here.REQUEST.form_id The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. Too much input was given. my_list_method_id StringField Forme_categorySearchSql 20 1 0 x 0 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. Too much input was given. right my_collection_list MultiListField [] 0 [] 0 5 Collection here/getCollectionList here/portal_categories/collection/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list. my_eip_list MultiListField [] 0 [] 0 5 Espace Imaginaire here/getEipList here/portal_categories/eip/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list. my_option_forme_list MultiListField [] 0 [] 0 5 Option here/portal_categories/option_forme/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list. my_etat StringField 20 0 0 Etat 0 python:here.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(here, 'forme_state') The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. Too much input was given.