Correspondance de mesures 4 correspondance_mesures_view form_view base_edit POST multipart/form-data UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 false left my_id StringField 20 1 1 0 1 Correspondance 0 0 0 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. Too much input was given. my_description TextAreaField 1 1 5 0 0 Description 0 0 40 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You entered too many lines. A line was too long. You entered too many characters. my_destination_title RelationStringField destination Title organisation 20 1 1 0 base_jump_relation [('Organisation', 'Organisation')] 0 Client 0 0 base_update_relation 0 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. Too much input was given. my_file FileField 20 1 1 0 Fichier image The input failed the external validator. right my_mesure_vetement_list MultiListField [] 1 1 0 [] 0 6 Mesures Coramy 0 <br /> here/getMesureVetementList here/portal_categories/mesure_vetement/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list. my_reference_mesure_list MultiListField [] 1 1 0 [] 0 5 Références client 0 <br /> here/getReferenceMesureList here/portal_categories/reference_mesure/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list. image ImageField 20 1 1 0 thumbnail jpg 75 0   0 0 0 here/absolute_url The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. Too much input was given.