Transformation 4 transformation_view form_view base_edit POST multipart/form-data UTF-8 ISO-8859-1 false left right center bottom listbox ListBox [('id', 'Ligne'), ('Description', 'Description'), ('getResourceRelativeUrl', 'Ressource consomm\xe9e'), ('quantity', 'Quantit\xe9'), ('quantity_unit', 'Unit\xe9')] [('quantity', 'Quantit\xe9'), ('quantity_unit', 'Unit\xe9')] [('id', 'Ligne'), ('Description', 'Description'), ('getResourceRelativeUrl', 'Ressource consomm\xe9e'), ('quantity', 'Quantit\xe9'), ('quantity_unit', 'Unit\xe9')] [] [] 0 1 [('quantity', 'Quantit\xe9'), ('quantity_unit', 'Unit\xe9')] 1 0 10 folder_contents searchFolder [] [('Transformation Component', 'Transformation Component')] [] 0 0 transformed_resource_selection [] Consommations The input failed the external validator. hidden listbox_quantity FloatField 20 1 1 0 0 listbox_quantity 0 The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You did not enter a floating point number. listbox_quantity_unit ListField 1 1 0 0 [] 0 1 Unité 0 0 here/portal_categories/quantity_unit/getFormItemList The input failed the external validator. Input is required but no input given. You selected an item that was not in the list.