ZCatalog - Cataloged Objects: Manage catalog entries Description This view allows you to manage catalog entries. The catalog holds records which refer to Zope objects. If the catalog currently contains records they will be listed in this view. For debugging purposes, you may click on the link to the item in the Catalog and it will open a debugging view of that entry in the Catalog. Controls '[List of objects]' -- Each lines describes one object. The checkbox in the front of the line, allows you to checkmark the object for deletion ('Delete') or to update the objects ('Update'). Next the object type is listed, followed by the object path and the object title. Clicking on the path and title of the object, you can examine individual catalog records by clicking on the record name links. 'Next/Previos XX entries' -- Allows you to see more of the cataloged objects. These two links will only appear if you have enough objects in the Catalog. 'Update' -- When clicked, Zope updates its indexes and metadata for the object. 'Remove' -- When clicked, it removes all the selected objects from the Catalog. **Note:** No objects are deleted from the database.