timmy ===== TioLive Instance Management System oriented on pull method from remote servers. This tool allows to manage various instances (Zope, Mysql, Oood) to be defined on some remote server and manage them on local server. It reuses supervisord (http://supervisord.org/) to manage non Zope Instances. timmy and buildout ------------------ Timmy is installed and bootstraped by buildout. Then it reuses same buildout to manage instances of various kinds. For now it is assumed that buildout will provide all needed requirements. As timmy will become more mature it will be able to fetch requirements by itself. bootstrapping timmy ------------------- Run ERP5 Appliance buildout with timmy-base.cfg profile: bin/buildout -c timmy-base.cfg Generate key: bin/timmy-keygen -k /path/to/server.key Keep this file safe. Invoke timmy: bin/timmy -k /path/to/server.key -s url://server/path -b timmy-base.cfg \ -o timmy-controller.cfg -d timmy-instances -r bin/buildout -p var/timmy.pid