Business Template Repository Builder ======================================== This library aims to provide utility scripts to manipulate BT5 compress and repositories creation. This utilities can help you to create bt5 repositories into private network or specific to your project. Scripts created ======================================= bt5_repository_builder Download business templates from a remote repository (svn), compress it (.bt5) and creates bt5list. By default, this uses svn HEAD to compile and provides as same as snapshot. USAGE: -u, --url : URL where the business templates will be downloaded from (Default:, -r, --repository : Where the .bt5 will be placed (Default: Current folder.) -d, --download-dir : Custom folder where download/checkout will be placed. (Default: repository_folder/.download) -c, --download-cmd : Command used to download bt5 from URL. (Default: "svn co --trust-server-cert --non-interactive -q") -p, --preserve-download : Do not erase download after build. (Default: False) bt5_genlist Generates bt5list only from bt5s already downloaded. bt5_build_from_folder Only compress all bt5s available into some folder into a destination folder. USAGE EXAMPLE ============================ Build bt5 repository from with private business templates. $ bt5_repository_builder -u Build bt5 repository from a specific revision of SVN. $ bt5_repository_builder -c "svn co -q -r 1234" Create a Snapshot updated everyhour using cron: 1 * * * * bt5_repository_builder -p -r /srv/www/repository