History ======= 1.0.2 (2019-02-25) ------------------ - Python 2 fixups. 1.0.1 (2018-11-12) ------------------ - Fix changelog. 1.0 (2018-11-12) ---------------- - Stop distinguish unicode and bytes and always return 'str' 0.10 (2018-09-12) ----------------- - Add support for Python 3 0.9.7 (2010-10-30) ------------------ - Enhance egg folder structure [nicolas Delaby] - Improve tests [nicolas Delaby] - add XSD Schema [nicolas Delaby] 0.9.6 (2010-10-12) ------------------ - [fix] Support boolean transformation [Nicolas Delaby] 0.9.5 (2010-09-01) ------------------ - [fix] Formatting of documentation [Lukasz Nowak] 0.9.4 (2010-09-01) ------------------ - [fix] Instances are now correctly unmarshalled. [Cedric de Saint Martin]