CMF Actors **Site Manager** -- This actor is responsible for implementing site policies such as security, workflow associations, metadata and syndication policies. The Site Manager is also responsible for the overall organizational structure of the site. See "Actor: Site Manager":Actor_SiteManager. **Membership Manager** -- This actor is responsible for managing who has access to a site (particularly back-end line of business users), and controls the privileges and properties of users. See "Actor: Membership Manager":Actor_MembershipManager. **Site Developer** -- This actor is responsible for implementing new functionality for a site and making changes to existing site capabilities. This is a "programmer" type of role, and users acting the Site Developer capacity are technical people. See "Actor: Site Developer":Actor_SiteDeveloper. **Add-on Developer** -- This actor is responsible for implementing new functionality that is suitable for distribution to one or more sites. ** See "Actor: Add-On Developer":Actor_AddOnDeveloper. **Site Designer** -- The Site Designer is responsible for producing and maintaining the "look and feel" of a site. This includes graphics, layout, navigation and other human factors. See "Actor: Site Designer":Actor_SiteDesigner. **Workflow Designer** -- The Workflow Designer is responsible for defining new workflows and customizing existing workflows to meet business goals. See "Actor: Workflow Designer":Actor_WorkflowDesigner. **Content Creator** -- Content Creators are responsible for producing and maintaining the actual content of a site. See "Actor: Content Creator":Actor_ContentCreator. **Reviewer** -- This actor is responsible for ensuring the quality and correctness of site content. See "Actor: Reviewer":Actor_Reviewer. **Site Visitor** -- A Site Visitor is an "end user" of the site. The visitor may or may not have an identity known to the system. Visitors with a known identity are referred to as "Members" of the site, and often can do more on a site than visitors without a known identity ("Guests"). Member visitors often have a participatory role on the site. Site Visitors have some general goals that are applicable to most sites, but many of the specific goals and expectations of Site Visitors are dependent upon the specific CMF site. See "Actor: Site Visitor":Actor_SiteVisitor.