Search Again
/manage_userrecords" method="post" >
Distinguished Name

No record match!

Have you set the user object classes correctly on the Configure tab?

Search Again
/manage_userrecords" method="post">

Edit the details for user &dtml-user_dn;:
To enter multiple values for attributes designated as multivalue in the LDAP Schema configuration separate the values with a semicolon (;).

Distinguished Name (DN)
Object Class (objectClass)
&dtml-si; (&dtml-sk;)
" />
&dtml-si; (&dtml-sk;) &dtml-cur_val;


LDAP Groups for &dtml-user_dn;
checked> &dtml-sequence-key; (&dtml-sequence-item;)


Change Password
New password


Search Again
/manage_userrecords" method="post">
/manage_userrecords" method="post">
Find existing user
Use this form to find user records on the LDAP server and view or edit their details.


Users with locally stored roles

Add new user
The user record will be created on the branch you designated as the users search base on the configuration screen. The user attributes on this form depend on the list of attributes you specified under "LDAP user attributes" on the same configuration screen.
To enter multiple values for attributes designated as multivalue in the LDAP Schema configuration separate the values with a semicolon (;).
&dtml-sequence-item; (&dtml-sequence-key;)
Confirm Password