Welcome to The Zope Source Release Zope is an open-source web application server. This document provides some general information about the Zope source release and provides links to other documents. Installation information can be found in "doc/INSTALL.txt". Other documentation is also in the "doc" directory and in the Zope.org documentation section at http://www.zope.org/Documentation/. General Zope information is available at http://www.zope.org/ Report problems with this release on the Zope mailing list (zope@zope.org) To subscribe to the list send mail to zope-request@zope.org with "subscribe" in the subject line. Introduction The source release is intended for tinkerers, those who want to use Zope components separately, people who want to use their own Python, and people who work on platforms that are not supported by a binary distribution. License The Zope License is included in "doc/LICENSE.txt" Send your feedback about the license to zope-license@zope.org. Installing Zope Follow the instructions in "doc/INSTALL.txt" to install Zope.