%define oname fpconst %define name python2.4-%{oname} %define dname %{oname}-%{version} Summary: IEEE754 float infinity and NaN for python Name: python2.4-%{oname} Version: 0.7.2 Release: %mkrel 2 Epoch: 0 URL: http://cheeseshop.python.org/packages/source/f/fpconst/0.7.2 Source0: http://cheeseshop.python.org/packages/source/f/fpconst/fpconst-0.7.2.tar.bz2 License: BSD-like Group: Development/Python BuildRequires: python2.4 BuildArch: noarch BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-buildroot %description This module provides constants and functions for handling IEEE754 floating point infinite and NaN values. This works on any python that uses IEEE754 double values for its float type (whether big- or little-endian). Although this is not required, it's unlikely any python would fail to meet this requirement (the code in both the standard and JPython interpreters assumes IEEE754 double all over the place). %prep %setup -q -n %{dname} %build python2.4 setup.py build %install %{__rm} -rf %{buildroot} python2.4 setup.py install --root %{buildroot} --record=INSTALLED_FILES %clean rm -rf %{buildroot} %files -f INSTALLED_FILES %defattr(0644,root,root,0755) %doc README PKG-INFO %defattr(-,root,root) %changelog * Sat Jun 30 2007 Jean-Paul Smets 0.7.2-2mdv2007.1 - Find installed files using INSTALLED_FILES * Tue May 29 2007 Kazuhiko Shiozaki 0.7.2-1.1mdv2007.1 - Rebuild against python2.4 * Sat Dec 09 2006 David Walluck 0.7.2-1mdv2007.0 + Revision: 93951 - 0.7.2 - Import python-fpconst * Fri May 13 2005 Michael Scherer 0.6.0-6mdk - from Tigrux - Do not require python = %pyver * Sun Dec 05 2004 Michael Scherer 0.6.0-5mdk - Rebuild for new python * Sat Aug 9 2003 Austin Acton 0.6.0-4mdk - python 2.3 * Sun Jul 27 2003 Michael Scherer 0.6.0-3mdk - really fix BuildRequires, not Requires. * Sun Jul 27 2003 Michael Scherer 0.6.0-2mdk - BuildRequires * Wed Jul 9 2003 Austin Acton 0.6.0-1mdk - andi payn : - Initial specfile