#! /bin/sh # For debugging. #exit 0 set -e device=$1 swap_device=${device}1 fs_device=${device}2 test -e $device || exit 1 # First of all, stop everything. /etc/init.d/erp5cdtool stop || true # Make sure the swap is not already used /sbin/swapoff -a # Work around Linux bugs. sync; sync; sync sleep 5 # Now the dangerous operation. /usr/sbin/parted --script $device mklabel msdos max=`/usr/sbin/parted --script $device print | grep "Disk geometry" | awk '{print $7}'` /usr/sbin/parted --script $device mkpart primary linux-swap 0 1024 /usr/sbin/parted --script $device mkpart primary xfs 1024 $max # Work around Linux bugs. sync; sync; sync sleep 5 # Format the partitions. /sbin/mkswap $swap_device /sbin/mkfs.xfs -f -L "ERP5" $fs_device # Turn on the swap partition to avoid possible memory exaustion. /sbin/swapon $swap_device # This does everything. /root/persistent.sh $fs_device # Finish. /sbin/swapoff $swap_device || true exit 0