Umigumi Help

Umigumi is the Universal Meta Installer for Gnu Un*x Meta Installers. It has been created by the OpenBrick community to initialize flash memories (CF, USB Stick, etc.) with installer files and make them bootable.

The main window of Umigumi is pretty simple. The pop-up menu allows to select a software setup.

The card reader menu allows to select the device which your flash memory device is mounted on. For example, on Line systems, it is often /dev/sda. On Windows system, it can sometimes be F:. Make sure you never select as card reader device a hard disk or flash memory with valuable data. .

The boot device menu allows to define which boot device. It is usually /dev/hda (for the OpenBrick), /dev/sda (for a USB key on a PC) or /dev/fd0u1680 (for a floppy).

Before you click on the Flash button, make sure the card reader device does not contain valuable data. All data on the card reader device will be erased once you click.

Umigumi is based on an open architecture. Umugumi can be extended by adding new Umigumi Sources. Click on the Advanced button to add new sources and change basic parameters.