Umigumi Help

Umigumi is the Universal Meta Installer for Gnu Un*x Meta Installers. It is a front end to Yoshinori Okuji's umibuilder. It was originally created by the OpenBrick community to quickly produce custom distributions for flash memories (CF, USB Stick, etc.), USB hard disks and bootable LiveCDs.

The main window of Umigumi is pretty simple. The upper pop-up menu allows to select a software setup.

The device menu allows to select the device which your flash memory, hard disk or CD burner device is mounted on. Make sure you never select as card reader device a hard disk or flash memory with valuable data. .

The media menu allows to choose the type of target media. To produce a LiveCD, chose LiveCD. For all other media (inc. har disks), chose Flash.

The hardware menu allows to choose the type of target hardware. Currently, the choice is limited to OpenBrick product line. However, you may extend this menu by creating new kinds of target. Incidentally, LiveCDs produced with Umigumi include automatic hardware detection.

Before you click on the Flash button, make sure the card reader device does not contain valuable data. All data on the card reader device will be erased once you click.

Umigumi is based on an open architecture. Umugumi can be extended by adding new Umigumi config. More information about the creation of config files can be found at