#!/usr/bin/python import cgi import os def executeCommand(command): try: f=os.popen(command, 'r') try: command_result=f.readlines() finally: f.close() except IOError: command_result="" return command_result xml_template=""" master %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s/%s %s %s %s %s """ #header print "Content-Type: text/html" print print ''' Nexedi DLS

Desktop Linux Server


Initial Configuration

Dynamic DNS

Users Managment

VNC Clients

''' form = cgi.FieldStorage() def getValue(form, name, default=''): return len(form.getlist(name)) and form.getlist(name)[0] or default hostname = getValue(form, 'hostname', 'dls') domainname = getValue(form, 'domainname', 'nexedi.org') connectiontype = getValue(form, 'connectiontype', 'dhcp') networkdevice = getValue(form, 'networkdevice', 'eth0') ipaddress = getValue(form, 'ipaddress') netmask = getValue(form, 'netmask') networkaddress = getValue(form, 'networkaddress') broadcast = getValue(form, 'broadcast') gateway = getValue(form, 'gateway') nameserver1 = getValue(form, 'nameserver1') nameserver2 = getValue(form, 'nameserver2') wlanwepkey = getValue(form, 'wlanwepkey') wlanessid = getValue(form, 'wlanessid') wlanchannel = getValue(form, 'wlanchannel') rootpassword = getValue(form, 'rootpassword') webpassword = getValue(form, 'webpassword') timezone = getValue(form, 'timezone', 'UTC') systemlanguage = getValue(form, 'systemlanguage', 'en_US') if len(nameserver1) != 0 : if len(nameserver2) != 0 : nameserver = '%s %s' % (nameserver1, nameserver2) else : nameserver = nameserver1 else : nameserver = nameserver2 # debug information #for key in form.keys(): #print key, form.getlist(key) print "
DLS configuration
Creating config.xml file...
" try : f = open("/tmp/config.xml",'w') try : f.write(xml_template % ("master", hostname, domainname, connectiontype, networkdevice, ipaddress, netmask, networkaddress, broadcast, gateway, nameserver, wlanwepkey, wlanessid, wlanchannel, networkaddress, netmask, timezone, systemlanguage, rootpassword, webpassword)) finally : f.close() executeCommand("sudo -u root /bin/cp -f /tmp/config.xml /home/dlsadmin/nexedi-dls/") except IOError : print "Unable to write /tmp/config.xml!
" raise else : print "Done.
" os.remove('/tmp/config.xml') print """Now, please click here to finish the initial configuration. Note that this step can take several minutes to complete.""" % os.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', '') #footer print '''