#!/usr/bin/python import os import xml.dom.minidom import re print 'Content-TYpe: text/html\n' form_template = ''' Nexedi DLS

Desktop Linux Server


Initial Configuration

Dynamic DNS

Users Managment

VNC Clients

DLS configuration
Host configuration Host name (Master = 'dls')
Domain name

System configuration Root password
Web password

System localization Timezone

Network configuration Connection type
Network device

IP configuration (if "static" is selected) IP address
Network address
Broadcast address

Wireless LAN configuration (if your device uses 802.11) WEP key
''' def getElement(my_conf, name): return my_conf.getElementsByTagName(name) and my_conf.getElementsByTagName(name)[0].childNodes and my_conf.getElementsByTagName(name)[0].childNodes[0].data or '' def getSelected(my_conf, name, value): return my_conf.getElementsByTagName(name) and my_conf.getElementsByTagName(name)[0].childNodes and my_conf.getElementsByTagName(name)[0].childNodes[0].data == value and 'selected' or '' def getTimezoneOptions(my_conf = None): # Obtain a list of timezone files. Is there a canonical way? timezone_list = [] for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk('/usr/share/zoneinfo'): dirpath = dirpath[20:] if len(dirpath) == 0 or dirpath[0].isupper(): for name in filenames: if name[0].isupper(): timezone_list.append(os.path.join(dirpath, name)) timezone_list.sort() timezone_options = '' if my_conf: cur_tz = getElement(my_conf, 'time_zone') else: cur_tz = None for tz in timezone_list: if tz == cur_tz: selected = ' selected' else: selected = '' timezone_options += '%s' % (selected, tz) return timezone_options def getLocaleOptions(my_conf = None): # Obtain a list locales. locale_list = [] # We want only lang_COUNTRY. valid_pattern = re.compile('^[a-z]+_[A-Z]+$') for path in os.listdir('/usr/share/locale'): if valid_pattern.match(path) and os.access(os.path.join('/usr/share/locale', path, 'LC_IDENTIFICATION'), os.F_OK): locale_list.append(path) locale_list.sort() locale_options = '' if my_conf: cur_locale = getElement(my_conf, 'system_language') else: cur_locale = None for locale in locale_list: if locale == cur_locale: selected = ' selected' else: selected = '' locale_options += '%s' % (selected, locale) return locale_options if os.access('/home/dlsadmin/nexedi-dls/config.xml', os.R_OK): my_conf = xml.dom.minidom.parse('/home/dlsadmin/nexedi-dls/config.xml') nameservers = getElement(my_conf, "nameservers").split() if len(nameservers) == 0: nameservers = ['', ''] elif len(nameservers) == 1: nameservers += [''] [nameserver1,nameserver2] = nameservers print form_template % (getElement(my_conf, "hostname"), getElement(my_conf, "domainname"), '-hidden-', # getElement("root_password"), '-hidden-', # getElement("web_password"), getTimezoneOptions(my_conf), getLocaleOptions(my_conf), getSelected(my_conf, 'connection_type', 'dhcp'), getSelected(my_conf, 'connection_type', 'static'), getSelected(my_conf, 'network_device', 'eth0'), getSelected(my_conf, 'network_device', 'eth1'), getSelected(my_conf, 'network_device', 'wifi0'), getSelected(my_conf, 'network_device', 'wlan0'), getElement(my_conf, "ip_address"), getElement(my_conf, "netmask"), getElement(my_conf, "network_address"), getElement(my_conf, "broadcast_address"), getElement(my_conf, "gateway"), nameserver1, nameserver2, getElement(my_conf, "wlan_wep_key"), getElement(my_conf, "wlan_essid"), getElement(my_conf, "wlan_channel"), 'Configuration can only be generated once, please use drakconf or your favorite text editor for future changes.
', 'disabled') else: print form_template % (('',) * 4 + (getTimezoneOptions(), getLocaleOptions()) + ('',) * 18)